Nem könnyű a garmin-nal. Vagy nem értik, amit az ember ír, mert annyira sietnek lerázni a "lesz-e új firmware" kérdéseket, hogy észre sem veszik, hogy mást kérdeztem, vagy annyi levelet kapnak, hogy nem olvassák el figyelmesen őket. Azt már nem is merem feltételezni, hogy nem értenek hozzá, az rosszindulatú lenne tőlem.
Eredeti levelemből az a rész, ami nem a bug-ra vonatkozik, hanem a waypointoknak az SD kártyára tárolására.
"2. Will Garmin publish a new firmware in the near future that makes it
possible for 60csx to store waypoints directly on an SD card either in
the same gpx like the tracks or in another one every day like eg.
20090923_wpt.gpx ?
I dont know whether it is a standalone requirement from me, but it is a
little strange that all the tracks can be strored on an SD card which is
not just a question of having more than 10000 track points stored but
also a safe solution, while waypoints are stored only in the internal
memory and one can not download the waypoints marked on a specific day
just all the waypoints and one has to delete the old ones in Mapsource. Or
if one deletes the waypoints on 60csx together with the active tracklog,
there is no backup on the SD card as in case of the tracks."
Válaszból az idevonatkozó rész:
"2. Unfortunately this will not be possible. The reason for this is that
the GPS is not capable of reading waypoints or tracks from the card.
This will never change as it's a hardware restriction."
"2. Maybe there is a misunderstanding between us.
Before contacting Garmin I had already understood that GPSMAP60csx was not and would not ever be able to read any data from the card. I wondered whether there was any hardware restriction to WRITE waypoints onto the card similarly as GPSMAP60csx writes the tracks onto it. I dare to assume that there is no hardware restriction, so my question was "Will Garmin publish a new firmware in the near future that makes it possible for 60csx to store waypoints directly on an SD card either in the same gpx like the tracks or in another one every day like eg. 20090923_wpt.gpx?"
In the meantime I realized that there is no way to use the same gpx file, because in order to do it, first 60csx should read the data from the card, otherwise it cannot write all the data of the waypoints before the data of the trackpoints. The reason behind is the structure of gpx files. First waypoints than the tracks.
But still now I can not see any obstacles to make 60csx create separate gpx files on the card. You know every day a new one like in case of track files. Named like 20090923_wpt.gpx, 20090924_wpt.gpx, 20090925_wpt.gpx, etc These files would be gpx files containing only the waypoints.
Please let me know also about your thoughts regarding the point number 2."
Egyrészt lehet, hogy nem tökély az angolságom, másfelől meg benne volt az eredeti levélben a támadási felület, hogy olvasás nélkül nem megy a dolog, mármint az útpontok és a trackek egy fájlba történő tárolása, na de ott volt a külön fájl is, amiben csak útpontok lennének. Még szépen el is neveztem a garmin uk techsupport-jának.
Szerintem most fogom megkapni a "Nem lehet. Hogy miért? Csak!" választ.